Do you want to Fix Quick Memo App Missing After Upgrading To Android O then you are in the right place? This simple article will guide you.
ASUS QuickMemo provides a solution for you. You can write down a to-do list, and pin the memo to your home screen, so you can see it anytime.
How To Fix Quick Memo App Missing After Upgrading To Android O
- Download Quick Memo
- After you download the apk file, please save the file at internal shared storage in your phone device.
- If you download by your computer:Please unzip the file you download, then move the apk file to the internal storage folder of phone device, such as Download.
- If you download by your mobile phone: Please unzip the file you download. Go to File Manager > Click Recent > Select the downloaded file.
- Select Extract, and tap OK to complete the file extract.
- Tap apk file
- Allow your device to install the unknown apps, and return.
- Then you can open the Quick Memo App
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