
iOS 14.5: Share Lyrics from Apple Music to Facebook Stories

through updates iOS 14.5, Apple provides a feature where the users can share song lyrics to Facebook Stories.

This Article will provide a way to share song lyrics on Apple Music to Facebook Stories.

Share Lyrics from Apple Music to Facebook Stories:

  1. Open Apple Music
  2. Play Music that you want
  3. Show music lyrics, Tap and Hold on one of the lyrics that you wan to share
  4. You can choose several pieces of the lyric as you wish. However, you can only choose lyrics with a maximum of 150 characters.
  5. Tap Facebook option to share it to the story
  6. Finally, you can post directly to Story or add stickers, text, lines, and others.
  7. Done

How To Share Lyrics from Apple Music to Facebook Stories

That’s it!

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